Event Decorating and Staging

Internship Program

Payment Method

Our internship program offers competitive compensation, with hourly rates ranging from $18 to $20 based on qualifications and experience. The program provides a unique opportunity to contribute directly to our mission through creative event decorating endeavors. We believe that each decoration crafted with passion and creativity plays a vital role in amplifying our message and enhancing the overall experience of our events.


Candidates for our event decorating internship should be currently enrolled in an educational institution pursuing event design and styling or a related field. We seek individuals with a creative flair and a keen eye for design, capable of conceptualizing and executing visually stunning event decor arrangements. Strong organizational and time management skills are essential, as interns will be tasked with managing multiple responsibilities efficiently. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are also desired, as interns will collaborate closely within a team environment. Adaptability to fast-paced settings with shifting priorities and deadlines is crucial. Above all, we value candidates who share our passion for our nonprofit's mission and demonstrate a genuine desire to contribute to its success through creative event decor and design efforts.

Are you interested in this position but lack prior experience or formal education? If finances are a concern, we have compiled a list of financial assistance options to support you.

    1. Institute of Events and Design

    Website: https://iedevents.com/course-promo.html

    Free Event Planning Courses: New students are eligible to take an event planning course for free through the Institute of Events and Design. While we explored other free event decorating courses, many provide only limited access before requiring payment. However, the Institute's grants full access to their course curriculum and online training platform.

    Furthermore, the Institute of Events and Design provides financial assistance programs to support individuals who may require extra help in covering the costs of their education. These programs are designed to ensure that aspiring event decorators have access to quality education regardless of their financial circumstances.

  1. 3. Pell Grant

    Website: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa

    The Pell Grant is a need-based financial aid program from the federal government that is designed to help undergraduates from low-income families afford college. Grants don’t require you to pay any money back and don’t carry interest, unlike loans. Your eligibility and the amount you receive is determined by your financial need based on information you provided in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  2. 4. FSEOG Grant

    Website: https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/grants/fseog

    The Federal Supplemental Equal Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is administered and can be part of the student’s overall aid package. The specific amount is set by the institution’s financial aid office depending on the student’s financial need, funds available at the school, and the amount of aid the student is already receiving. The SEOG does not have to be re-paid.

A Day in the Life of an Event Decorator

Here's a glimpse into what a typical workday might look like for an event decorator at our nonprofit organization:

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Morning Briefing and Planning

Arrive at the office and join the morning briefing with the events team. Review the day's schedule and discuss upcoming events requiring decor arrangements. Consult with the events manager to prioritize tasks and plan the day's activities.

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Design Concept Development

Work on developing design concepts and themes for upcoming events. Brainstorm decor ideas, color schemes, and layout options that align with the organization's mission and branding. Collaborate with the events team to finalize design plans and ensure they meet the client's expectations and budget constraints.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch Break

Take a break to recharge and refuel.

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Procurement and Preparation

Begin sourcing decor items and materials needed for upcoming events. Research vendors, suppliers, and rental companies to find the best options within budget. Place orders for decor items such as linens, centerpieces, floral arrangements, props, and signage. Coordinate delivery schedules and logistics with vendors to ensure timely arrival of decor items.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Venue Site Visit

Visit event venues to assess space layout and decor possibilities. Take measurements, photos, and notes to inform design plans and logistical arrangements. Discuss decor requirements and logistics with venue staff and event coordinators to ensure a smooth setup and teardown process.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Administrative Tasks and Follow-Up

Update event decor budgets, expense tracking sheets, and inventory lists. Respond to emails and phone calls from vendors, clients, and team members. Follow up on outstanding orders, payments, and logistics details to ensure everything is on track for upcoming events. Prepare materials for the next day's activities and review the schedule for the remainder of the week.

5:00 PM: End of Day

Wrap up any remaining tasks and tidy up workspace. Check in with the events manager to provide updates on progress and discuss any outstanding issues or concerns. Log out for the day and head home, ready to tackle another exciting day of event decor planning and execution tomorrow!